I’m a Redneck from Slapout and I Love Gay People

Yep, I love gay people. I also love heterosexual people for that matter. I’ve been torn for years over the issue of homosexuality being a sin. I don’t believe its a choice you make so why would God make someone love someone he doesn’t want them to be with? For years I thought homosexuality was a struggle, such as drugs or alcohol, and it was a choice whether or not you let that get the best of you. I personally don’t think that’s the case anymore. I turned to my Homeboy JC for advice. Unfortunately Jesus doesn’t speak about homosexuality at all in the bible. What Jesus does talk about over and over again is oppression. Whether it was of the poor by the rich or of the powerless by the powerful.

One of the few stories about Jesus that mentions any kind of sexual sin is found in John. Here we find a woman who had committed adultery (forbidden by the 7th commandment), but Jesus was not concerned with her sexual indiscretion. His focus was on the townspeople who wanted to stone her to death.

So what does the good book say about homosexuality. Not a whole lot that I could find. In Genesis 19 it is written that some dudes come to Lot’s crib and want to rape his male guests and Lot tells the dudes not to be so wicked. Well, in this case I would argue Lot is saying they are acting wickedly because they want to RAPE his guests. Can’t argue with Lot’s logic on that one.

In Leviticus it is written that men laying with men is abomination, but so is eating bacon, medium-rare steaks, getting a haircut and shaving. I’m really hoping we get a pass on the stuff written in Leviticus or most of us are screwed.

So, that leaves mostly Paul speaking about it in Corinthians. When Paul speaks about sodomy or sodomites most people assume he means homosexuality. The word in these passages that is translated into English as “sodomite” is the Greek word arsenokoitais. A literal translation of this word would be a man with many beds… In other words, someone that likes to get around.

Here’s where the gray area comes in. The only other passage that is written about homosexuality is in Paul’s letter to the Romans where he writes, “For this reason God gave them up to degrading passions. Their women exchanged natural intercourse for unnatural, and in the same way also the men, giving up natural intercourse with women, were consumed with passion for one another. Men committed shameless acts with men and received in their own persons the due penalty for their error. “

These passages state that it is not passion that is bad, but degrading passions. It is not intercourse that is frowned upon, but unnatural intercourse. In other words, if you are engaging in sex acts that don’t feel right for you, then you should stop. For a heterosexual, it would feel unnatural to engage in same-sex activities. But for a gay man or a lesbian, the opposite is true. For homosexuals, the natural thing for them is same-sex intercourse.

Bottom line is that sex before marriage is a sin. In many States gays are not allowed to marry so I do not argue that pre-marital sex is a sin. I am however for same-sex marriage so that people that love one another may get married and have all the same rights my wife and I have. (I’m 100% heterosexual just in case you were wondering)

I’m so sick and tired of so called Christians protesting gay marriage. With so many Christian marriages ending in divorce shouldn’t we focus on our own marriages and not worry about other people’s relationships. I personally believe that when we have to stand before God he’s going to say, “Dude, why were you worried about all that stuff, I was hoping you would get the big picture.” The big picture is this: (from JC’s mouth in Matthew) “Therefore  go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Last time I checked the Ten Commandments don’t say anything about being gay.

If this post offends you or makes you think less of me then you have bigger issues to worry about than my blog. (which only a few people read anyway, mostly relatives…Thanks guys) That being said, I’m not a biblical scholar so if you have more info on the subject then I’m all ears.

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